DFLP: Oslo provided a cover for the occupation›s policies and stands as an obstacle before the national program

Sep 15, 2024

As the Oslo Accord enters its 32‭ ‬anniversary‭, ‬the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement‭, ‬describing the Palestinian Authority›s obligations and commitments imposed on it as the‭ ‬‮«‬major obstacle‮»‬‭ ‬with the occupation‭, ‬in front of the national struggle to achieve legitimate national rights‭, ‬represented in freedom‭, ‬independence and return‭.‬

The statement added‭: ‬The Democratic Front has warned since the moment the Oslo Accords were signed that it is a coup against the‭ ‬Palestinian national project‭, ‬and constitutes a political cover for the shameful acts of the Israeli occupation‭, ‬including arrests‭, ‬killings‭, ‬demolition of homes and facilities‭, ‬displacement‭, ‬confiscation of land and expansion of settlements‭.‬

The Democratic Front added‭: ‬After 32‭ ‬years of the Oslo Accords‭, ‬achieving national rights through the agreement with its entitlements and obligations has become impossible‭, ‬especially in light of the exposed Israeli strategies‭, ‬which no longer need clarification and explanation‭. ‬The West Bank‭, ‬including Jerusalem or the Gaza Strip‭, ‬or with regard to the right of return for refugees‭, ‬blatantly confirms that the Oslo obligations are still imposed on the PA alone‭, ‬and that its options and bets are still centered around false promises‭, ‬which in turn disrupt all attempts to get the national situation out of the Oslo impasse‭, ‬and go through a steadfast field and institutional unity‭, ‬towards the alternative option as decided by the Central Council‭ (‬2015‭) ‬and the National Council‭ (‬2018‭) ‬and reaffirmed by the Central Council again‭ (‬2022‭), ‬by reconsidering the relationship with the occupying and aggressive state‭, ‬politically‭, ‬economically and in security‭.‬

The Democratic Front stressed that the claim of the death of Oslo and the death of security coordination is contradicted by daily facts‭, ‬and explained that the Israeli side is the one that abandoned its commitments to Oslo‭, ‬and that the PA alone adhered to‭ ‬its choices and bets‭, ‬which facts confirmed its political corruption‭, ‬and its commitments that adhered to Oslo and its entitlements‭, ‬and that its political choice remains as it is‭, ‬in a clear challenge to the unified national will expressed by our people‭,‬‭ ‬through its legitimate and legislative institutions‭, ‬and in the dialogues of Moscow and Beijing and before them Algeria and Cairo‭.‬

The Democratic Front concluded‭, ‬on the occasion of Oslo entering its 32‭ ‬anniversary‭, ‬by emphasizing the following‭, ‬as a national‭ ‬alternative to the corrupt agreement‭:‬

1‭)      ‬Accelerating the translation of the outcomes of the Beijing Declaration by holding an immediate meeting of the temporary‭ ‬and unified leadership framework‭, ‬to lead the struggle‭, ‬and forming a national consensus government of activists and competencies‭, ‬in a way that guarantees the unity of the land of the Palestinian state‭, ‬and blocks the road to alternative solutions‭.‬

2‭)      ‬Activating the unified national leadership in the West Bank‭, ‬and drawing up field action plans that lead to framing the‭ ‬popular movement‭, ‬forming committees to defend the land‭, ‬villages and cities‭, ‬and supporting them by the Palestinian security services‭, ‬free from the Oslo Agreement and its obligations‭, ‬and providing elements of popular steadfastness on the political‭, ‬social and economic levels‭, ‬in the face of the decisive battle being waged by the fascist Israeli government‭.‬

3‭)      ‬Working diligently to stop the Israeli hostilities in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank‭, ‬through an agreement that leads‭ ‬to the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Palestinian territories on the borders of June 4‭, ‬1967‭, ‬in conjunction with‭ ‬a serious and meaningful political process that leads to holding an international conference on the Palestinian issue‭, ‬the results of which guarantee the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4‭, ‬1967‭ ‬with Jerusalem as its‭ ‬capital‭, ‬guaranteeing the right of return for refugees to their homes‭, ‬launching an international project to rebuild what the occupation destroyed in the Gaza Strip‭, ‬to close the way to forced or voluntary migration‭, ‬and completing the referral of the State of Palestine to international institutions and agencies‭, ‬including accepting active membership in the United Nations‭.‬

The Democratic Front concluded its statement by calling for strengthening national unity in the field‭, ‬based on the fact that the overthrow of the Oslo Accords and the cessation of its obligations and commitments is the mandatory entry point for moving to‭ ‬the national strategy approved by the Palestinian legitimacy in its National and Central Councils‭, ‬and emphasized by the national dialogues‭, ‬the latest of which is the outcomes of the Beijing Declaration‭.‬