Department of Foreign Affairs department at DFLP: to the world’s parties about the crimes of Israeli settlers

Sep 10, 2024

A message from the‭ ‬“foreign Affairs department at DFLP”‭ ‬to the world’s parties about the crimes of Israeli settlers

For these reasons‭… ‬we call for the arming of the Palestinian people in the west bank to combat Israeli settlers’‭ ‬terrorism

The terrorist acts committed by Zionist settlers in the West Bank under the protection of the occupation army cannot be seen as‭ ‬a reaction to the‭ ‬“Al-Aqsa Flood”‭ ‬operation‭. ‬

Rather‭, ‬one of the reasons for this operation is the ongoing and past actions of the occupation army and settlers against the land and people of Palestine in the West Bank‭, ‬including the repeated aggression against Palestinian cities and camps‭. ‬In this context‭, ‬numerous crimes committed before October 7‭ ‬can be cited‭, ‬such as the burning of the town of Huwara in Nablus Governorate in February 2023‭, ‬the kidnapping and burning alive of the boy Mohammed Abu Khdeir in Shuafat‭, ‬Jerusalem‭, ‬in 2014‭ ‬by settlers‭, ‬the‭ ‬burning of the Dawabsha family›s home in the village of Duma in Nablus‭, ‬leading to the martyrdom of an 18-month-old infant‭, ‬in addition to dozens of Palestinians who were martyred by settlers in their homes‭, ‬fields‭, ‬roads‭, ‬schools‭, ‬and public places‭.‬

The United Nations‭, ‬the European Union‭, ‬and Western countries have condemned the crimes of the settlers‭. ‬Some described their criminal actions as horrific and a direct result of settlement policies and repeated instances of impunity‭. ‬Others demanded the Israeli government to immediately stop these unacceptable acts‭, ‬while some said that the settlers’‭ ‬attacks on Palestinian civilians must stop‭. ‬However‭, ‬these positions and statements did not stop the crimes or curb their fascism‭. ‬On the contrary‭, ‬some Zionist gangs increased their defiance of Western positions by expanding the scope of their criminal acts and settlement activities‭. ‬The result on the ground is that the settlers are becoming more ferocious and fascistic‭, ‬and their leaders are expanding restrictions on the Palestinian landowners‭, ‬whether through‭ ‬“laws”‭ ‬from Israeli bodies that have no legal authority to deal with another people and occupied Palestinian lands‭, ‬or through military and administrative decisions from the army and its various apparatuses‭, ‬or through field procedures that impose a new reality‭ ‬of occupation and settlement by legalizing land theft or expanding the granting of permits to settlers to build in the West Bank‭ ‬while restricting Palestinian construction and demolishing their buildings under the pretext that they are illegal‭.‬

While the occupation army continues to commit genocidal crimes against civilians in the Gaza Strip for more than ten months‭, ‬political genocide continues in the West Bank by imposing the annexation and resolution plan by official bodies and settlement institutions working according to their own agenda‭, ‬disregarding international condemnations‭. ‬Since October 7‭, ‬for example‭, ‬Palestinian and international institutions have recorded more than 300‭ ‬attacks against Palestinians by settlers‭, ‬including shootings‭, ‬vehicular assaults‭, ‬house and field burnings‭, ‬invasions of cities‭, ‬camps‭, ‬and remote communities‭, ‬uprooting of trees‭, ‬and road closures‭, ‬in addition to the army’s operations of bombing‭, ‬invasions‭, ‬destruction‭, ‬and arrests‭.‬

The goal of these practices is no longer a secret‭. ‬Dozens of Israeli officials‭, ‬including ministers and security and military officials‭, ‬openly take responsibility for these crimes and their goals‭, ‬which aim to expel the largest number of Palestinians‭. ‬The‭ ‬recent plan by Smotrich to expand the scope and powers of security‭, ‬military‭, ‬and civil control for the army and its institutions is just one example of dozens of plans overseen by senior officials in the Israeli government and army‭.‬

Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich speaks of a clear plan to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state by increasing the number of Jewish settlements and settlers in the West Bank‭. ‬Security Minister Ben-Gvir calls for unleashing more settlement outposts and launching a large-scale military operation to eliminate thousands of Palestinians‭. ‬Meanwhile‭, ‬the Israeli government tries to portray to the world that it is enforcing the law in the West Bank‭, ‬through the Prime Minister’s criticism of the crimes committed by the settlers against Palestinians‭.‬

Netanyahu’s positions do not change the fact that the fascist and racist right-wing government in Israel‭, ‬with all its components‭, ‬oversees the arming of settlers‭, ‬whether through ministers in the government and settlement institutions or through the occupation army‭ ‬itself and security institutions‭. ‬Ben-Gvir has admitted more than once that through his ministry‭, ‬he has armed 100,000‭ ‬settlers‭ ‬and that there are 300,000‭ ‬requests on the ministry’s table‭, ‬in addition to approximately 165,000‭ ‬weapons that were distributed to settlers before the‭ ‬“Al-Aqsa Flood”‭ ‬operation‭. ‬This confirms that Israel’s crimes‭, ‬by its army and settlers‭, ‬are not isolated from the plan that Israel seeks to impose in the West Bank‭, ‬which is the annexation plan‭, ‬ignoring the condemnations‭, ‬appeals‭, ‬and international and UN positions rejecting Israel’s practices in the West Bank‭.‬

What the media and Western embassy reports present about the increasing severity of settler crimes only reflects a small part of‭ ‬the reality that all Palestinian cities‭, ‬camps‭, ‬and communities in the West Bank are daily subjected to settler aggression and‭ ‬crimes‭, ‬which are accompanied by repeated aggression carried out by the occupation army in many cities and camps‭. ‬This indicates‭ ‬that there is a real partnership and division of roles between the army and settlement organizations that are unusually active‭ ‬in the West Bank‭, ‬heavily armed with the latest weapons and an extermination and fascist ideology that believes only in killing‭ ‬and terrorism as a means to achieve its plans‭, ‬repeating the experience of 1948‭, ‬when Zionist gangs committed dozens of massacres against Palestinian civilians‭, ‬resulting in the displacement of more than three-quarters of a million Palestinians who are still refugees in neighboring Arab countries and within Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza Strip‭.‬

The Palestinian people view the positions of some Western countries‭, ‬especially the United States‭, ‬which consider settler crimes‭ ‬against Palestinians as mere violence‭, ‬as partners in the crime‭, ‬practicing political hypocrisy daily‭, ‬in comparison with their‭ ‬positions on Palestinian resistance and the‭ ‬“Al-Aqsa Flood”‭ ‬operation‭, ‬which came as a natural and necessary response to Israeli crimes and terrorism in various forms accumulated over the‭ ‬past decades‭. ‬They ignore the fact that settlement and occupation are the highest forms of terrorism according to international‭ ‬laws‭, ‬and that imposing individual sanctions on a small number of settlers is nothing but encouragement for the occupying state‭ ‬and the leaders‭, ‬organizations‭, ‬and militias of the settlers to continue committing their crimes‭. ‬All forms of settlement are illegal and terrorism‭, ‬as is the occupation that sponsors‭, ‬encourages‭, ‬and legitimizes the theft of Palestinian land‭.‬

For all these reasons‭, ‬we in the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine call for the arming of the Palestinian people‭ ‬in the West Bank and the formation of defense committees for Palestinian cities‭, ‬villages‭, ‬and camps to confront settler gangs and the incursions of the occupation army‭, ‬to be the protective shield alongside the Palestinian Authority’s security apparatuses so that they together defend the land and national dignity‭, ‬raising the cost of Israeli colonial and occupation presence on Palestinian land‭, ‬and sending a message to the international community that our people are tired of unanswered appeals‭, ‬complaints‭, ‬and positions‭, ‬and will take their cause into their own hands‭, ‬no matter the price and sacrifices required‭, ‬to make the occupation understand clearly that our land will not be desecrated‭, ‬and every inch of it will cost the occupier dearly‭.‬