DFLP: in its comment on the massacre in the northern West Bank today; The aggression and crimes of the occupation will increase our people›s resistance and the occupation government will not succeed in implementing the displacement and annexation plan

Aug 28, 2024

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement today commenting on the massacre committed by the occupation forces at dawn today in the cities of Jenin and Tubas and the Jenin and Fara’a refugee camps‭, ‬which resulted in the deaths of eleven martyrs and many injuries‭. ‬It said‭: ‬The successive massacres and crimes‭ ‬against our people throughout the years of occupation‭, ‬which have increased in intensity in the last three years with the rise of the fascist right to power in the occupation state‭, ‬and the accompanying deliberate and systematic destruction of the infrastructure‭, ‬the occupation government will not succeed in implementing its goals and plans intended for it in the displacement and annexation called for by the pillars of the Israeli government‭, ‬the latest of which are the repeated statements of its Foreign Minister‭ ‬“Katz”‭ ‬and before him‭ ‬“Smotrich”‭, ‬and will increase the resistance’s ardor‭, ‬expansion and creativity in its forms‭.‬

The Democratic Front considered that what the occupation government‭, ‬army and settlers are doing in the West Bank is being done‭ ‬in the shadow of the collusion of some Western powers‭, ‬most notably the United States of America‭, ‬and in the shadow of shameful‭ ‬Arab silence that provides the occupying enemy with reasons for strength and arrogance‭. ‬It is a continuation of the war of genocide that has been ongoing for more than ten months against our people in the Gaza Strip with the aim of liquidating our national‭ ‬cause and imposing surrender solutions on it‭, ‬in the service of the occupation state and its dominance over the Middle East region and to preserve the interests of the colonial West in the region‭.‬

In its statement‭, ‬the Democratic Front called on the political leadership of the Authority to respond immediately and in line with the will of the Palestinian people and their resistance‭, ‬after it became clearer than ever before how losing and harmful are‭ ‬the bets on the Americans‭, ‬who supply Israel with tens of thousands of tons of weapons with which our people are being annihilated‭, ‬and on the political and diplomatic cover they provide it‭.‬

The Democratic Front concluded its statement by calling on President Mahmoud Abbas to invite the Unified Leadership Framework to‭ ‬a meeting‭, ‬considering that this constitutes an entry point for implementing the outcomes of the Beijing Declaration aimed at restoring national unity‭, ‬and forming a government of consensus‭, ‬the formation of which would block all scenarios aimed at separating the Gaza Strip from the West Bank‭, ‬and that this constitutes the ground that leads all Palestinians to follow a struggle strategy‭, ‬our people continue to struggle according to its guidance until they seize their rights‭, ‬determine their fate‭, ‬and embody their right to return and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital‭.‬