DFLP: Mass killings in West Bank cities and camps, most recently Nour Shams, a dangerous stage in the Israeli annexation and settlement project

Aug 28, 2024

‭ ‬The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine said‭: ‬The mass killings in the cities and camps of the West Bank constitute a dangerous stage in the Israeli annexation and resolution project‭, ‬to impose a solution to liquidate the Palestinian issue unilaterally‭, ‬in light of Arab silence and collusion‭, ‬and generous American and NATO support and backing‭.‬

The Democratic Front added‭: ‬The occupation forces committed a new massacre in Nour Shams camp‭, ‬no less barbaric than their crimes in the Gaza Strip‭, ‬and with intentions aimed at undermining the will of steadfastness of our people and terrorizing them‭, ‬and‭ ‬paralyzing their ability to resist and persevere‭, ‬by transferring images of genocide from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank‭, ‬including occupied Jerusalem‭.‬

The Democratic Front warned of the danger of viewing the mass killings taking place in cities and camps as targeting one Palestinian party rather than another‭, ‬or one Palestinian movement rather than another‭. ‬It said‭: ‬The danger of the occupation’s projects targets all Palestinians‭, ‬and foremost among them is the Palestinian Authority‭, ‬its powers‭, ‬and its role‭, ‬which is clearly revealed by the Israeli financial siege imposed on it‭, ‬and the field measures that limit its powers and empty its role of‭ ‬its content‭.‬

In this context‭, ‬the Democratic Front called for a national response to the Israeli attacks‭, ‬through field steps that establish‭ ‬a cohesive national situation‭, ‬which requires‭, ‬immediately‭, ‬calling for the convening of the interim leadership framework‭, ‬forming a national consensus government‭, ‬and agreeing on a unified national struggle strategy that mobilizes all elements of strength‭ ‬and field unity‭, ‬and restores institutional unity‭, ‬in a way that enhances our national capabilities to confront the project of‭ ‬displacement‭, ‬annexation and decisiveness‭, ‬and to preserve the land of the State of Palestine‭, ‬the legitimate national rights of‭ ‬our people‭, ‬and to thwart the Zionist project that has become the declared talk of the pillars of the Israeli fascist government‭.‬