The Central Committee of DFLP elects Fahd Suleiman as new Secretary-General and Hawatmeh as President‭, ‬Democratic Front for the‭ ‬Liberation of Palestine‭ (‬DFLP‭) ‬concludes its eighth conference

Apr 24, 2024

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine‭ (‬DFLP‭) ‬has officially announced the conclusion of its eighth general national conference‭, ‬which was the culmination of a democratic process that extended for a full year‭, ‬starting in April 2023‭. ‬The conference was held in cycles‭, ‬in the West Bank‭, ‬the Gaza Strip‭, ‬and the countries of diaspora‭.‬

The holding of the eighth General National Conference required a high degree of preparation and follow-up coordination‭, ‬and the‭ ‬DFLP‭, ‬armed by its political program‭, ‬was able to hold its conference with complete success‭, ‬and to respond to its demands and its various organisational‭, ‬political‭, ‬administrative‭, ‬and security challenges‭, ‬including the major events of the war on 7‭ ‬October‭, ‬2023‭. ‬The Front‭, ‬its leadership and members‭, ‬responded to that storm and its repercussions in adherence to the Front’s system‭, ‬which regulates relations between members and leadership and emphasises the Front’s commitment to scientific socialism‭.‬

The conference saluted the steadfastness of our people and their rally around the resistance‭, ‬and saw that the emerging situation places the Palestinian situation before two imminent demands‭:‬

‭ ‬Restoring internal unity within the framework of the unifying national institutions‭, ‬which includes the Palestine Liberation Organization‭, ‬the sole legitimate representative of our people‭;‬

Providing the conditions for continuing resistance in all its shapes and forms‭, ‬as it is the obligatory passage that leads to the horizons of freedom‭, ‬independence‭, ‬return‭, ‬and the establishment of the state of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital‭.‬

The conference considered that the future of Gaza and any part of our occupied and usurped national territory is determined by the resistance and heroic steadfastness of our people‭. ‬It affirmed the principle of preserving national identity‭, ‬with its three‭ ‬pillars‭:‬

The PLO‭, ‬the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people‭, ‬is the only one responsible for representing them and speaking on their behalf in any political process concerned with resolving the national issue‭.‬

The PLO National Program‭: ‬The right to self-determination‭, ‬the establishment of an independent and fully sovereign state on the‭ ‬borders of 4‭ ‬June 1967‭ ‬with Jerusalem as its capital‭, ‬the solution of the refugee issue in accordance with Resolution 194‭, ‬which‭ ‬guarantees them the right to return to their homes and properties from which they were displaced since the year 1948‭.‬

Relevant international legitimacy resolutions‭, ‬guaranteeing the inalienable national rights of our people‭.‬

The Eighth General National Congress elected a new central committee of 99‭ ‬members‭, ‬the eleventh central committee‭, ‬which elected Fahd Suleiman as its Secretary-General‭, ‬and Magida Al-Masry and Ali Faisal as Deputy Secretary-General‭, ‬as well as the rest of‭ ‬the members of the Political Bureau‭.‬

Comrade Nayef Hawatmeh‭, ‬the great national leader‭, ‬as head of the DFLP

In an atmosphere full of loyalty and high appreciation‭, ‬the Central Committee of the DFLP stood united and unanimously named the‭ ‬great leader Nayef Hawatmeh as head of the Front‭. ‬The decision to nominate Hawatmeh as head of the DFLP stated that the Central‭ ‬Committee‭, ‬out of loyalty to the historical role played by the great leader Comrade Nayef Hawatmeh‭, ‬in his honourable history of struggle‭, ‬unanimously agreed to take this decision‭.‬

In conclusion‭, ‬the conference addressed a set of appeals and greetings‭, ‬including to all the parties and peoples of the world that took to the streets‭, ‬rejecting the American and Western Zionist aggression and in solidarity with the Palestinian people and‭ ‬the justice of their national cause‭. ‬It called for the continuation of these movements that send to our people and their resistance messages of support and support in order to continue the battle for freedom and independence‭.‬

On this occasion‭, ‬we are pleased to receive congratulatory messages from the parties and active figures on the occasion of the end of the conference and the election of the central committee of DFLP‭, ‬including the new Secretary-General and members of the Political Bureau and the Central Committee‭.‬