DFLP: Ending the division, preserving the sacrifices of our people and their resistance are among the most important requirements of loyalty to the martyrs

Jun 5, 2024

On the National Day of its Martyr

On the National Day of its Martyr‭, ‬June 4‭ ‬of each year‭, ‬the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement‭ ‬in which it stressed that ending the division‭, ‬restoring internal Palestinian institutional unity‭, ‬and preserving the sacrifices‭ ‬of our people and their resistance in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank‭, ‬with Jerusalem at its heart‭, ‬are among the most important requirements and conditions for loyalty to the martyrs‭.‬

The Democratic Front added‭: ‬While commemorating this glorious day in its national agenda‭, ‬it is addressing all the martyrs of the Palestinian cause‭, ‬Palestinians‭, ‬Arabs and internationalists‭, ‬who gave their lives and blood in sacrifice for Palestine‭, ‬its land and people‭, ‬and its legitimate national rights that inalienable to return‭, ‬self-determination‭, ‬and the establishment of an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital‭.‬

The Democratic Front added‭: ‬Commemorating this glorious day‭, ‬the day of loyalty to the martyrs‭, ‬leaders‭, ‬activists and fighters‭,‬‭ ‬gives this day great meanings that distinguish it from other years‭, ‬as the blood of the martyrs is still flowing abundantly in‭ ‬the Palestinian territories‭, ‬and on the Arab support fronts for our resistance in Lebanon‭, ‬Syria‭, ‬Iraq and Yemen‭, ‬in a field embodiment of the unity of the arenas and fronts‭, ‬in confronting the single enemy‭, ‬of our Palestinian people and our Arab peoples‭, ‬represented by the American-Israeli alliance‭, ‬and its destructive colonial project‭, ‬and turning our region into the backyard of‭ ‬the United States‭, ‬and turning our peoples into human masses attached to American enslavement policies‭, ‬and hostages to the institutions of the International Monetary Fund‭, ‬and its destructive measures for the national economy‭, ‬and blocking the road to building the Arab national state‭.‬

The Democratic Front added‭: ‬We celebrate this glorious day‭, ‬and the Palestinian national cause is going through fateful turns‭, ‬which require providing all elements of strength‭, ‬to respond to its dangerous requirements‭, ‬especially the American-Israeli project‭, ‬to resolve the Palestinian cause‭, ‬in a way that serves the Israeli annexation project‭, ‬the establishment of the Greater State of Israel‭, ‬and the elimination of the Palestinian state project and the right of return in favor of self-administrative rule‭, ‬the signs of which have begun to appear clearly‭, ‬in the American pressures exerted on the Palestinian Authority‭, ‬under the pretext of renewing it‭, ‬which makes it a more obedient authority‭, ‬engaging in the colonial project‭, ‬to eliminate the resistance option for our people‭, ‬disarm them‭, ‬and drag them into the quagmire of subservience to the American engineering of the Palestinian issue‭, ‬within the framework of engineering the entire region‭.‬

The Democratic Front stressed that what provides opportunities for the American project to make its way‭, ‬with deceptive colors‭, ‬here and there‭, ‬is the Palestinian division‭, ‬the absence of a national institution that brings together all parties of the Palestinian political struggle and combat‭, ‬the absence of the principles of national partnership and national coalition‭, ‬and the absence of legitimate institutions‭, ‬in favor of the policy of isolation and exclusivity‭, ‬and the drawing up of policies and tactics‭ ‬far from transparency‭, ‬which allows the United States and others to manipulate the Palestinian issue as they wish‭.‬

The Democratic Front said‭: ‬The most dangerous thing that our people are facing now is the American plans‭, ‬in cooperation with Arab parties‭, ‬to draw the vague future of the Gaza Strip‭, ‬return it to the eras of the mandate and foreign guardianships‭, ‬separate‭ ‬it from the West Bank‭, ‬bring down the project of the independent Palestinian state‭, ‬and waste the priceless sacrifices of our people‭.‬

The Democratic Front stressed that confronting these colonial liquidation projects requires having the political will to end the‭ ‬division and providing an agreed-upon national mechanism to restore the unity of the national institution that includes everyone‭, ‬under the banner of the PLO‭, ‬the sole legitimate representative of our people‭, ‬and excludes no one‭, ‬including refusing to submit to American blackmail based on insisting on dividing the national ranks‭, ‬through completely unacceptable discrimination between the national forces and describing some of them as terrorists‭, ‬and imposing political sanctity on them‭.‬

The Democratic Front also called for the development of a clear and explicit national project‭, ‬based on the principles of national partnership‭, ‬and responding to the principles of the National Coalition‭, ‬to chart the future of the Gaza Strip‭, ‬for the day called‭ ‬“the day after”‭, ‬as it is the comprehensive national programmatic vision for the future of the Strip‭, ‬an integral part of the land of the State‭ ‬of Palestine‭, ‬which has begun to knock on the doors of full membership in the United Nations‭, ‬and its flags‭, ‬the flags of Palestine‭, ‬are being raised in the capitals of Western Europe‭.‬

The Democratic Front concluded by extending its salute of reverence and respect to all the martyrs of the Palestinian national cause‭, ‬and specifically to the martyrs of the DFLP in all places of struggle‭, ‬in the homeland and in the diaspora‭, ‬and in particular to the heroes of the‭ ‬“Martyr Omar Al-Qassem Forces”‭ (‬the military wing of the DFLP‭) ‬in the Gaza Strip‭, ‬and all its party and mass organizations in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank‭, ‬and at its heart Jerusalem‭, ‬the capital of the State of Palestine‭.‬