DFLP: The barbaric war will enter its 9th month tomorrow: Resistance, steadfastness and perseverance until the occupation leaves the Strip

Jun 2, 2024

At the conclusion of the barbaric war on our people in the occupied Palestinian territories‭, ‬especially in the Gaza Strip‭, ‬its eighth month‭, ‬and its entry into the ninth month‭, ‬the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement‭, ‬in which it affirmed the insistence of our people‭, ‬with all their groups and categories‭, ‬to continue the resistance‭, ‬steadfastness and‭ ‬perseverance‭, ‬until the Israeli occupation leaves every inch of the proud land of the Gaza Strip‭.‬

The Democratic Front said‭: ‬Our people and their resistance‭, ‬in the legendary struggle witnessed by every inch of Gaza‭, ‬presented‭ ‬an honorable image of the true essence of the Palestinian people‭, ‬the depth of their patriotism‭, ‬their adherence to their land‭,‬‭ ‬and their rejection of all forms of begging‭, ‬humiliation‭, ‬and subjugation‭, ‬and building on false promises‭, ‬and subjugating their fate in the hands of others‭, ‬in a firm adherence to their sacred right to self-determination‭, ‬and the establishment of their independent state with full sovereignty and Jerusalem as its capital‭, ‬on the borders of June 4‭, ‬1967‭, ‬and the resolution of the refugee issue in accordance with Resolution 194‭, ‬which guarantees them the right to return to the homes and properties from which‭ ‬they were displaced since 1948‭, ‬and their rejection of all alternative formulas and formations to the Palestine Liberation Organization‭, ‬their legitimate and sole representative‭.‬

The Democratic Front added‭: ‬The barbaric war also revealed the criminal nature of the Zionist enemy‭, ‬in its use of genocidal war‭, ‬policies of racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing‭, ‬settler colonialism‭, ‬land plunder and mass arrests‭, ‬as a means to achieve its dark goals‭, ‬in expanding a state that was built on blood‭, ‬with a colonial function‭, ‬and is an extension of the imperialist project in our Arab region‭.‬

The Democratic Front said‭: ‬We in the DFLP‭, ‬as the war of genocide against our people enters its ninth month‭, ‬stress the following‭:‬

1‭) ‬Continue resistance‭, ‬steadfastness and perseverance until the Israeli enemy leaves every inch of the Gaza Strip‭.‬

2‭) ‬Rejecting all forms of negotiations under the pressure of war‭, ‬killing‭, ‬destruction and the mass burning of women and children‭.‬

3‭) ‬Breaking the siege on the Gaza Strip‭, ‬opening all crossings‭, ‬and allowing the flow of all forms of humanitarian aid‭, ‬without‭ ‬artificial obstacles from any party‭.‬

4‭) ‬The return of the displaced to their areas without conditions‭, ‬and the provision of decent shelter for them‭, ‬to ensure their‭ ‬stability until what was destroyed by the occupation is rebuilt‭, ‬and to block all forms of migration and displacement‭.‬

5‭) ‬Rebuilding the health system in the Strip‭, ‬to provide treatment and necessary services to the wounded‭, ‬and transferring serious cases abroad for treatment with brothers and friends‭.‬

6‭) ‬Release of prisoners and detainees held by the occupation in Gaza and the West Bank‭, ‬in accordance with a comprehensive agreement‭.‬

7‭) ‬Launching an international project to rebuild the Gaza Strip‭, ‬and imposing sanctions on the occupying state‭, ‬considering it responsible for the destruction‭, ‬devastation‭, ‬killing‭, ‬and humanitarian disasters that have befallen the Gaza Strip‭.‬

To affirm for the thousandth time that the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territory‭, ‬and cannot be separated from the West Bank‭, ‬with Jerusalem at its heart as the capital of the State of Palestine‭, ‬and that the future of the Strip‭ (‬or what is called‭ ‬“the day after”‭ ‬the Strip‭) ‬is part of the Palestinian national project‭, ‬drawn by our people and their national forces within the framework of a‭ ‬participatory coalition vision under the umbrella of the PLO‭, ‬the sole legitimate representative of our people‭, ‬and to reject alternative projects based on returning the mandate to the Strip‭, ‬under whatever name it may be‭.‬